Sunday, October 6, 2013

Diamonds on the Inside

Welcome to October here on our little Climbing blog.  The youth team has a couple local competitions this month that we are looking forward to. We are also excited that bouldering season is under way.
Choosing a topic for this month has shown just how indecisive I can be; I have two ideas that I am excited about, let me pitch them to you and see what you think. We could spend this month looking into the history of climbing; we can discuss topics like where modern climbing originated, some of the fathers of the sport, and developments made in gear over the years. Or we could explore the lives of some of history’s more modern climbers with short biographies on some of our favorite climbers today. If you have a preference as to what we discuss this month, post below. Oh… this is the part where I need to shamelessly beg, in several recent posts I have asked for feedback, and haven’t received any. The vision for this blog is an open dialog not a soliloquy. There is so much beauty and life in each individual that is unique to them and I know we would all learn more from this small corner in cyber space with feed back from you, the reader. So, please, please, please post below if you would rather a) learn more about the history of climbing or b) learn about some super stars in the field. Also, if I ever ask for feedback in the future please don’t hesitate!
Today’s post will be un-related to both the topics above. I want to share an idea that I have come across multiple times in my life and really started applying recently. This thought or motto has helped increase my quality of life not only on the ground, but also in the vertical plane and I think it could do the same for you. In his book “Start” Jon Acuff best describes this idea in the chapter on editing. When you edit your life you remove anything that isn’t in line with your true value or diamonds. Your diamonds are the things, people, places, activities that are the most valuable to you; passions might be another way to describe these. When you edit you want to remove other things in your life that might take time and resources away from you diamonds.
This week try and define your diamonds and decide if there is anything in your life that you need to edit out in order to align your life more closely with your diamonds or passions. If your passion is climbing then perhaps it might be a good idea to edit out the time you spend on the couch watching TV so that you have more time to climb. Or perhaps you need to edit out the artificial food in your diet so your body can recover faster from hard training days.  Your true values and what you need to edit is personal and doesn’t have to be decided today. You can simply start by analyzing your days and determining what you place the most value on. I hope this simple concept helps enrich your life as much as it has helped enrich mine.

“If you want a golden rule that will fit everything, this is it: Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” 
― William Morris

Climb on,


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