Here is part one of the Rec's team trip to Joes, unfortunately I am still learning names so help me fill in the blank. Both Andrew and Taylor said the team had a great time, share your story here, what was the best part?
Monday, September 30, 2013
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Competition Team in Joe's Valley...
Here are some pictures of our Adventures in Joe's Valley this past weekend. Thanks to everyone who made it possible, and a congrats to the kids who climbed so hard and did a great job. You guys are awesome!
Rachel on "One Move" V1 |
Zach on "Small One" V2 |
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Zach on "One Move" V1 |
Annie loving life and climbing Joe's... |
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Mckinley on "Small One" V2 |
Tasia on "One Move" V1 |
Danny on "One Move" V1 |
Eva on "One Move" V1 |
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Eva on "Small One" V2 |
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Clara on "One Move" V1 |
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McKinley on "Small One" V2 |
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Coach Tyle on "Runt" V7 |
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Cami on "Runt" V7 |
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Clara on "Runt" V7 |
Adam, Rachel, and Zach having a great time. |
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Annie on V4, I think the name is Wretch |
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Adam figuring out the beta |
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Camin on V4 |
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Clara on V4 |
Tasia on V4 |
Rachel and Zach hanging out... |
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McKinley on V4 |
Clammy |
Liz and Annie |
Cali is King of the Rock |
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Tasia on V4 |
Monday, September 16, 2013
could be the hardest post for me to write to date. Seeing as this month our
focus is on mental training I knew I wanted to discuss self-awareness.
Self-aware is not exactly how I would describe myself. When a person is
self-aware they tend to think about what they are thinking and act instead of
re-act. I always re-act, you could look at me funny and I would be distraught
and angry with you the rest of the day, even if your strange look was
attributed to the sneeze you were fighting back. Some people would describe
this as being sensitive, perhaps that is part of it, but the other part is not
being aware of my self enough to realize that a dirty look is no reflection on
my awesomeness.
this week I wondered how someone who struggled with self-awareness so much could
possibly depart knowledge on the subject to other people. I decided to seek
other peoples opinions by posing the following question to my Facebook friends,
“Pop Quiz
Everyone, What do you think it means to be self aware?” I only got one
response. I decided that either no one really cared about my question or no one
really had a clue what it meant to be self-aware. Just FYI the one response I
got was from my aunt and was rather insightful, she said, “How you see yourself
as a person. The good and bad and what you can do to improve who you are. Great
book to read, leadership and self deception”. I have yet to find this book, but
look forward to reading it when I do.
At this point I was getting a little
worried, I had nothing to write about. I new that I wasn’t terribly self-aware
as a person and that it possibly had to do with how I perceive my actions and
myself. Next stop Google, I was sure someone out there had to have a clear
picture of being self-aware. Searching
for self-awareness online results in 1,000 advertisements for self-help
programs to aid you increased self-awareness. I found it strange that none of
these companies seemed to have a clear definition of what it was to be
self-aware, but whatever it was they could definitely help you improve it. At
the top of all these advertisements was my favorite source of new knowledge,
Wikipedia. Wikipedia defines self-awareness as the capacity for introspection
and the ability to recognize oneself as an individual separate from the
environment and other individuals. Introspection is examination of one’s own
conscious thoughts and feelings. I decided if I wanted to be more self-aware I
needed to analyze my thoughts on a more regular basis. I decided that I would
write down my thoughts and what I thought about them on regular intervals
during the day. This social or personal experiment lasted less than four hours
and didn’t really help me analyze my thoughts or re-act less often. I would
write down how and why I was angry and become angrier.
I do believe that to become self-aware we
need to analyze our thoughts on a regular basis and handle them in a positive
none re-active way. I also know that this is very important for climbing. When
you become scared, nervous, or frightened on a climb, you need the ability to
step away mentally from the situation and analyze it. Perhaps, the thought you
are having has to do with the certainty of falling or getting injured. The
normal reaction to this type of scenario, at least for me, is tears and
frustration. Being more self-aware means to analyze these thoughts of fear and
determine if they are actually valid? Generally, the fear that I might fall is
valid, I am learning to climb and thus I will make mistakes and that will
result in a fall. However, I prepare and climb routes that will have safe falls
or I take at bolts and calm myself and prepare physically before going on. Therefore,
the fear that I am going to get seriously injured is not valid and I should let
it go so that I can focus on the goal at hand. What thoughts do you have when
climbing that deter you from the goal at hand, and how can you analyze them in
the future instead of just reacting?
visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks
outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”
Monday, September 9, 2013
Moving Pass Our Central Governor
Last week we talked about the
Central Governor Model for explaining fatigue. With the Central Governor Model
the “brain acts as a central governor when exercising, limiting our ability to
push beyond perceived fatigue to ensure self-preservation.” Today I want to
share a couple techniques or training tools that allow us to push pass our
perceived point of fatigue. In order to
climb hard and become strong we need to push ourselves pass our perceived limit
and exit our comfort zones. First, we can train ourselves physically so that we
can go harder and further before we get the quit signals from our brain. Once we
get those signals we can use our will power to continue moving, even when it
becomes uncomfortable.
In the book Maximum Climbing by
Eric J. Horst he describes a few training tools to grow ourselves physically so
that we have a greater threshold for physical discomfort. I will provide a
summary of a couple of his techniques here. For more information members of the
team are welcome to borrow my copy of Maximum Climbing or refer to another book
by Horst called Training for Climbing. (There is also plenty of information to
be had on the Internet.)
Climbing Intervals:
One of the best ways to climb
intervals is using a pyramid scheme that Horst came up with himself. You start
by climbing for one minute, work on difficult terrain but do not burn out
before the minute is out. Then you will rest for one minute before your next
burn, which will last for two minutes, during this interval you can pause and
shake out on the rock, but do not spend a lot of time resting. You should be on
the wall for the full two minutes. Now take a two-minute rest, if you aren’t
feeling the burn, up the difficulty of the terrain. Once you are rested start a
three-minute climbing interval followed by a three-minute rest. You are
probably aching now, but you are not done, you need to do one last four-minute
burn before you call it quits. This training regime is nice because it is very
specific to climbing and mimics an environment where you are climbing fatigued.
This would prepare you for multi-pitch climbing or a long day of routes. If you are just looking to improve over-all aerobic
fitness and conditioning, you can also run intervals, which are discussed a
little below.
Running Intervals:
The most
basic form of running intervals is to simply alternate between intervals of
fast and slow speeds. The easiest place to set up this type of training up is
on a track. Chances are you local high school has one. Set out to run an
accumulative distance of two miles, alternating between fast and slow laps, on
a track this would be a total of eight laps. On your fast laps you should be
running at about 80 to 90 percent of your maximum speed. Jog the slow laps. If
at first you need to walk the slower laps that is fine, try and jog as much as
Another way
we can overcome our Central Governor is by pushing back. This is called Will
Power, or the control we exercise over ourselves. This is what we do when our
Central Governor start to send us quitting signals. Going, when we hurt is
difficult but it is the only way we get stronger. We have to make the decision and
then execute our resolution. Here are a couple tricks I use to keep myself going
when the going gets tough.
Set a timer. Chances are you can do anything for
some amount of time. Set your watch for one minute or set it for five and don’t
stop until that timer goes off. This can also be done with music, decide not to
stop until a song is over. Then take a break and repeat.
Pick a spot on the wall or on the mountain. Choose
a landmark and don’t stop moving until you reach it, whether it is a boulder on
the side of a trail or a hold on a climb, keep moving until you hit that point
and then rest. However, continue to be safe, if pushing to the next hold could
result in a dangerous fall don’t do it. The point is to overcome our Central
Governor not to injure ourselves.
This one is a little OCD of me, but count.
Decide that you will do five more moves or 50 more steps and count them. This
allows you to move forward and push through the pain. Also focusing on the
numbers helps distract your brain from you achy muscles.
Hopefully, this helps you and your training. I am happy to
answer questions that you might have on this material, I am not an expert but I
love sharing the knowledge I do have. I also love to learn from you; so if you
have time, share your thoughts in the comments below on the ways you train to
increase your strength and discomfort threshold. Also, what are you tricks for
increasing your will power or applying it? See you next week!
Climb On,
"Willpower is essential to the accomplishment of anything worthwhile."
Brian Tracy
Image From:
Monday, September 2, 2013
Slow Down, but Don't Stop
Have you ever been climbing, and ¾ of the way up the route
decide you can’t finish? Or maybe you aren’t even that far, maybe after a
couple of moves you are feeling fatigued and like you can’t possibly stick one
more move? What if I told you that the belief that you must stop, is actually
just a signal from your brain that you need to slow down? You have the energy,
stamina, and power to continue, just at a slower pace. Would you believe me?
Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised
if you said no. Only recently popular
science would have agreed with me. For many years, the Cardiovascular/Anaerobic
Model has been held as the gold standard for explaining exercise induced
fatigue and the cause of performance limitations. This model states that
fatigue is an involuntary drop in performance caused by a loss of homeostasis.1 Homeostasis is defined as
the ability of the body to maintain a condition of stability within, while
dealing with external changes.2 A simple example of this is
sweating. When our internal temperature rises either do to exercise or to a
rise in ambient temperature, our body begins to sweat to remove the heat and
maintain our internal temperature.
During exercise, a shift
away from homeostasis is caused by a loss of energy stores in the muscles, a
rise in blood lactate levels, or reaching maximum oxygen uptake (VO2 max).
These and many other factors cause our stable internal environment to be lost,
resulting in fatigue and the need to stop climbing/exercising in order to
restore homeostasis. This model tells us that as climbers, hikers, or what have
you, that once we reach our max, where our bodies are screaming that they are
done and our mind says we must not go on, that we are simply finished and must
stop. I find this very hard to believe, based on multiple personal experiences
I will share just one example here.
Last weekend I went with the Utah
Climbing Club to climb Devil’s Tower in Wyoming. It was my first time climbing
something so high, climbing a multi-pitch, and climbing crack. Really, I am
amazed I even decided to go. I struggled through pitches one and two, having
not practiced crack climbing prior I was climbing very inefficiently and
expending a lot of unnecessary energy, in other words I was becoming fatigued
fast. When I was on the third pitch almost ¾ of the way done with the climb my
energy felt like it was completely spent and I was thinking lots of negative
thoughts like, “There is no way I am finishing this, I am done, how am I going
to get off this wall, what was I thinking”. Despite all the negative self talk, I started
to focus on my breath and calmed down a little bit. I then started studying the rock and the
route and realized that I was so close to the top, and that finishing would not
require too much effort. Now I am certain that if my desire to quit was caused
100% by muscle fatigue I would still be hanging off the side of that tower.
However, research has shown that there is a mental aspect to physical fatigue.3
The Central Governor
Model (CGM) is rapidly gaining support in the academic world of sports
psychology. The CGM was proposed by Dr. Tim Noakes and claims that our “brain
acts as a central governor when exercising, limiting our ability to push beyond
perceived fatigue to ensure self-preservation.”3 Fatigue in
this case is a sensation sent by the unconscious mind to the conscious mind to
prevent loss of homeostasis and complete exhaustion.3 So what you feel during a strenuous activity
is actually the brain sending a message to slow down so as to avoid serious
injury or death.”3 When determining if the body has reached fatigue
the mind/central governor takes into account feedback from the muscles and
heart, external stimuli, knowledge of ongoing results, and past experience to
determine if you are going to far. However, our mind has a tendency to throw in
the towel early and be overly cautious. With a little bit of will power and proper
training we can push ourselves past the perceived threshold our mind places on
our potential. There are several training techniques that will allow you to do
this. I will cover some of them in next weeks post along with references to
find more.
"If you want to climb it badly enough, you will. So... why bother?'
Dough Scott
Maximum Climbing by Eric J. Horst
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