Here are some photos from the comp, feel free to click here to see even more!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Quarry Competition
Here are some photos from the comp, feel free to click here to see even more!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Competition this Saturday the 14th!
Tuesday Practice being held at Momentum!
Hi everyone more information about the practice on Tuesday the 10th. This coming Tuesday we will be holding our climbing practice at Momentum climbing gym in Sandy. We are doing this because the bouldering area in the Quarry will be under construction in preparation for the competition this coming weekend.
Momentum is our sister climbing gym at 106 south in Sandy.
We will hold practice at Momentum (at the same time as their team) from 4:30-6:30. We will be carpooling by meeting at the Quarry at 4pm. We will have a few cars which will be able to take kids to Sandy for this practice, but we are always needing carspace so please consider helping out and making the drive.
Your child will need a waiver to climb at Momentum. You can download them on the Momentum website by clicking Here. This will need to be filled out prior to the practice. You can get addition information about momentum at
Meet at the Quarry no later than 4 pm.
Thanks, again if you have any questions about this change please let us know,
Matthew Pecsok
Rockhaus Competition