Thursday, December 10, 2009
Triassic Cancelled and other practice info
Due to the unusually cold weather we'll have to cancel the trip this weekend. We'll tentatively reschedule for next weekend and hope that it warms up. I'll check the weather for Cleveland, UT and if it's not going to be at least 45 in the sun then we probably won't go.
Also we're going to start toproping tonight and slowly phase out of bouldering. For those who are going to regional competitions we'll continue to have those climbers do primarily bouldering.
Coach Matthew
Monday, December 7, 2009
ABS Registration is Open
Friday, December 4, 2009
christmas, outside trip, and recent stuff
First, our last practice for this year will be Tuesday December 22. Practice will resume on Tuesday January 5th.
Second, next weekend Saturday the 12th we'll be doing an outside trip to a bouldering area called Triassic. It's near Cleveland, UT. It's about a 2.5 hour drive. We'll be going here because it "should" be warm enough to climb. Even at 45 degrees it's usually toasty in the sun. That being said please plan on having clothes for warm or cold weather. We'll leave from the Quarry at 8:30am. Kids will need, lunch, drinks, climbing gear. Good things to bring are: a camera, sunscreen, other items to like when going outdoors.
Also, please note that there will be carpooling going on, but we will need parents to drive. We'll determine exactly how many based on the number of kids going. Please consider making the trip. It's a very cool area to explore and will be a fun day.
We will be returning around 7pm at the Quarry.
Third: we've had some fun things going on in practice. Two new climbers have joined our ranks and we had a birthday to celebrate on Thursday. We'll have a few more bouldering practices and pretty soon we'll be climbing on ropes.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Quarry Competition
Here are some photos from the comp, feel free to click here to see even more!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Competition this Saturday the 14th!
Tuesday Practice being held at Momentum!
Hi everyone more information about the practice on Tuesday the 10th. This coming Tuesday we will be holding our climbing practice at Momentum climbing gym in Sandy. We are doing this because the bouldering area in the Quarry will be under construction in preparation for the competition this coming weekend.
Momentum is our sister climbing gym at 106 south in Sandy.
We will hold practice at Momentum (at the same time as their team) from 4:30-6:30. We will be carpooling by meeting at the Quarry at 4pm. We will have a few cars which will be able to take kids to Sandy for this practice, but we are always needing carspace so please consider helping out and making the drive.
Your child will need a waiver to climb at Momentum. You can download them on the Momentum website by clicking Here. This will need to be filled out prior to the practice. You can get addition information about momentum at
Meet at the Quarry no later than 4 pm.
Thanks, again if you have any questions about this change please let us know,
Matthew Pecsok
Rockhaus Competition

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
November Bouldering Comp
Little Cottonwood Climbing Trip
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
First Summer Climbing Trip
Monday, May 11, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The tip this week is from our lovely coach Cali Brown.
Commit: Stop thinking about all the negative and 'what if's'. Saying or thinking things such as, 'I can't do this', 'what if I fall', 'that looks too hard', only makes it harder for you to perform well at climbing. As soon as you step onto the wall you need to put full effort into your climb and commit. Make sure to move on your first try and accept the fall. Falling isn't failure. Taking the fall is part of the learning process and will only help you improve. It is better to fall trying than to give up.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009

What type of rock did the team climb on last Saturday?
In June, we will climb further up Rock Canyon on a different type of rock. What rock will that be?
Geologically, how is each rock formed?
2. Limestone
3. Quartzite is formed through metamorphic processes. Limestone is formed through sedimentary processes.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Conner won last week's challenge with this answer:
In climbing the term red pointing is derived from the German term rotpunkt (point of red) coined by Kurt Albert in the mid 70's at Frankenjura. He would paint a red x on a fixed pin that he could avoid using for a foot or hand hold. Once he was able to Free Climb the entire route, he would put a red dot at the base of the route.
(Information Source:
Friday, March 13, 2009

2. Now, what is difference between “Free Climbing” and “Free Solo Climbing”?
Answer: Free Solo Climbing is when the climber does not use any protection gear, including a rope, and climbs by his or her self. Free solo climbing requires the climber to have strong confidence in their ability as well as be mentally tough due to the fact that a fall can be lethal.
3. And lastly, what makes a “Highball” Boulder Problem different from a “free Solo”?
Answer: Highball Bouldering is bouldering on tall boulders with crash pads, which is protection, and a fall may lead to injury but not death.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Saturday, February 28, 2009

3. Lastly, what does he teach? ANSWER: Mathematics